**Ruixiang weputara ihuenyo mmetụ inch 7 capacitive ***
Na gburugburu teknụzụ na-agba ọsọ taa, ọchịchọ maka ihe ngwọta ihuenyo mmetụ dị elu na-aga n'ihu na-eto eto. Ruixiang bụ aha tụkwasịrị obi na ụlọ ọrụ nwere ahụmịhe karịa afọ 20. Ndị otu injinia anyị na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma na-arụ ọrụ na ndị ahịa iji ghọta mkpa ha ma nye ọrụ injinia nke mbụ.Our 7-inch capacitive touch screen e mere iji gboo mkpa dị iche iche nke ụlọ ọrụ dị iche iche, karịsịa ngwá ọrụ ahụike na ngwa mmepụta ihe.
**Ntụle ngwaahịa ***
Ihuenyo mmetụ 7-inch na-egosipụta ihe owuwu G+G (glass-na-glass) siri ike, na-ahụ maka ịdịte aka na ntụkwasị obi na gburugburu ebe siri ike. Na mkpokọta nha nke 104.72mm x 161.67mm x 1.45mm (TPOD) na ebe nlele nke 95mm x 151.52mm (TP VA), ihuenyo mmetụ ahụ zuru oke maka ngwa dị iche iche. Teknụzụ Capacitive na-enye ahụmịhe onye ọrụ na-anabata nke ọma, na-eme ka ọ dị mma maka ngosipụta mmekọrịta, akụrụngwa ahụike na ogwe njikwa ụlọ ọrụ.
** Akụkụ ndị bụ isi ***
1. ** HIGH SENSITIVITY ***: A na-emezi ihuenyo mmetụ 7-inch nke ọma iji nye mmetụ aka dị mma maka mmekọrịta enweghị nkenke na njikwa ziri ezi. Ma na gburugburu ahụike ma ọ bụ ngwa ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe, ndị ọrụ nwere ike ịtụ anya ahụmihe dị nro na nghọta.
2. ** Ọdịdị Na-adịgide adịgide **: Ọdịdị G + G ọ bụghị nanị na-eme ka ọsọ nzaghachi nke ihuenyo mmetụ dịkwuo elu, ma na-eme ka ndụ ọrụ ya dịkwuo elu. Nke a na-eme ka ọ dị mma maka gburugburu ebe ịdịte aka dị oke mkpa, dịka ụlọ ọgwụ na ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe.
3. ** Multi-Functional Applications ***: Ihuenyo mmetụ nke anụ ọhịa 7 nwere ike ịba ụba nke ọma iji tinye ya n'ime ngwaọrụ dị iche iche site na ngwaọrụ ahụike na-eji aka na nnukwu ígwè ọrụ mmepụta ihe. Nha ya na arụmọrụ dị elu na-eme ka ọ bụrụ nhọrọ mbụ maka OEM na-achọ ịkwalite onyinye ngwaahịa ha.
4. ** Ngwọta ahaziri ahazi ***: Na Ruixiang, anyị ghọtara na ọrụ ọ bụla pụrụ iche. Ngwọta ihuenyo mmetụ anyị bespoke nwere ike ịhazi ya na ihe achọrọ, na-eme ka ndị ahịa anyị nweta ngwaahịa kacha mma maka mkpa ha.
** Gịnị kpatara ịhọrọ Ruixiang? **
Dị ka otu n'ime ndị kasị ntụkwasị obi omenala ihuenyo mmetụ, Ruixiang agba mbọ na-enye elu-edu ngwọta na-akwado site nnukwu ahụmahụ na teknuzu nka. Ndị otu anyị siri ike na-agba mbọ ịnye teknụzụ ọhụrụ na nhọrọ nrụpụta mgbanwe iji hụ na egbo mkpa dị iche iche nke ndị ahịa anyị.
Anyị na-anya isi maka usoro njikwa mma anyị siri ike, nke na-ahụ na ihuenyo mmetụ 7-inch ọ bụla na-ezute arụmọrụ kachasị elu yana ụkpụrụ ntụkwasị obi. Ọrụ anyị zuru ụwa ọnụ hụ na anyị nwere ike ịkwado ndị mmekọ na ndị ahịa anyị ebe ọ bụla ha nọ.
For more information about our 7-inch touch screens and customization services including engineering options, please feel free to contact us. You can contact us via email: info@rxtplcd.com and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Na nchịkọta, ihuenyo mmetụ aka nke anụ ọhịa 7 nke Ruixiang na-egosi ntinye aka anyị n'ịdị mma na ihe ọhụrụ. Site na njirimara ya dị elu na ihe owuwu na-adịgide adịgide, ọ bụ ihe ngwọta dị mma maka ngwa dị iche iche. Tụkwasị Ruixiang obi iji nye gị ngwọta ihuenyo mmetụ dị elu nke ịchọrọ iji nwee ọganihu na ụlọ ọrụ ahụ.
Anyị agbaala mbọ ịnye ngwaahịa na ọrụ kachasị mma, ma na-agbaso ụkpụrụ nke ịdị mma mgbe niile. Anyị nwere ndị otu ọkachamara, na-agbaso echiche nke mmepụta ihe ọhụrụ, arụmọrụ na ọrụ dị mma, iji nye gị nkwado na ọrụ teknụzụ zuru oke. Anyị kwenyere na ịhọrọ ngwaahịa anyị ga-abụrịrị nhọrọ amamihe gị!
Ma ọ bụ mkpa nhazi nke onwe gị ma ọ bụ ngwọta OEM / ODM, anyị nwere ike izute ihe ị chọrọ. Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere ajụjụ ọ bụla gbasara ngwaahịa anyị ma ọ bụ chọọ ozi ndị ọzọ, biko nweere onwe gị ịkpọtụrụ anyị, anyị ga-enye gị nkwado na ọrụ zuru oke!
E-mail: info@rxtplcd.com
Mobile/WhatsApp/WeChat: +86 18927346997
Weebụsaịtị: https://www.rxtplcd.com
Ụgwọ nke ụlọ ọrụ Ruixiang Touch Display Technology Co., Ltd.
A na-akwado nhazi OEM/ODM.
Ihe ndị a abụghị nha niile. Ọ bụrụ na nha ịchọrọ anọghị na listi ahụ, biko gwa anyị nha ịchọrọ.
Nha (inch) | Akụkụ Mba. | Mkpebi | LCD OD | Ebe ele (mm) | Interface | IC | FPC | kwuo | |
2.4 | RXL024074-A | 240*320 | 42.72*58.9*2.2 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Kpọtụrụ US |
RXL024091-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*2.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.72*60.26*3.6 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU | ST7789V | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL024102-A | 240*320 | 42.92*60.26*3.78 | 36.72*48.96 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 45PIN | IPS | ||
2.8 | RXL028052-A | 240*320 | 50.2 * 69.7 * 2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL028075-A | 240*320 | 50.5*69.7*2.6 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL028092-A | 240*320 | 50*69.2*2.45 | 43.2*57.6 | MCU(P) | ILI9341V | 37PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3 | RXL030053-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 39.24*65.4 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | IPS | Kpọtụrụ US |
RXL030076-A | 240*400 | 45.4*77*2.6 | 38.88*64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9327 | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.2 | RXL032054-A | 240*320 | 55.04 * 77.2 * 2.5 | 48.6 * 64.8 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9341 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL032077-A | 240*320 | 55*77.2*2.6 | 48.6 * 64.8 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ST7789V | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
3.5 | RXL035055-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*3.25 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL035093-A | 320*480 | 54.66*82.94*2.3 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9488 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035103-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.5 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL035109-A | 320*240 | 76.9*63.9*4.55 | 70.08*52.56 | RGB | HX8238A | 54PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035113-A | 320*480 | 54.58*83.57*2.1 | 48.96*73.44 | MCU/SPI/RGB | ILI9488 | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL035036-A | 320*480 | 55.5*84.9*2.5 | 48.96*73.44 | MIPI | ILI9488 | 20PIN | IPS | ||
4 | RXL040056-A | 480*800 | 79.38*76.43*2.8 | 70.176*71.856 | SPI/RGB | ST7701S | 50PIN | IPS | Kpọtụrụ US |
RXL040078-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MIPI | OTM8019A | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040094-A | 480*800 | 58.26*98.1*2.55 | 51.84*86.4 | SPI + RGB | ILI9806E | 50PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040026-A | 480*800 | 57.15*96.85*2.3 | 51.84*86.4 | RGB | ILI9806 | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL040104-A | 480*800 | 57.14*96.85*2 | 51.84*86.4 | MCU(P)/RGB | ILI9806G | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.3 | RXL043057-A | 480*272 | 105.4 * 67.15 * 2.86 | 95.04*53.86 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7282 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL043079-A | 480*800 | 62.5*105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | 16/18/24RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043095-A | 480*272 | 105.4 * 67.15 * 2.85 | 95.04*53.86 | 8/24RGB | SC7283 | 40PIN | Ogologo oge / IPS | ||
RXL043105-A | 480*800 | 62.5*105.55*2.5 | 56.16*93.6 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
RXL043119-A | 480*272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL043002-A | 480*272 | 53.856*95.04 | 53.856*95.04 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
4.5 | RXL045058-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | SPI + RGB | ILI9806E | 45PIN | RTP/CTP | Kpọtụrụ US |
RXL045080-A | 480*854 | 61.54*110.1*2.55 | 55.44*98.64 | MIPI | ILI9806E | 20PIN | IPS | ||
5 | RXL050059-A | 480*272 | 120.8*75.9*4.2 | 110.88*62.83 | RGB | HX8257-A00 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL050081-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.5 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050063-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050020-A | 800*480 | 120.7*75.8*4.3.1 | 108*64.8 | RGB | ILI6122 | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL050096-A | 800*480 | 120.9*78.1*2.95 | 108*64.8 | 16/18/24RGB | ST7262 | 40PIN | Ogologo oge / IPS | ||
RXL050106-A | 720*1280 | 67.56*122.35*2.6 | 62.1 * 110.4 | MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | IPS HD | ||
RXL050025-A | 720*1280 | 65.4 * 119.3 * 1.64 | 62.1 * 110.4 | MIPI | / | 25 PIN | |||
RXL050110-A | 1080*1920 | 64.3 * 118.3 * 1.49 | 61.88*110.2 | MIPI | NT35596 | 39PIN | IPS HD | ||
5.5 | RXL055060-A | 720*1280 | 71.66*129.99*1.61 | 68.04 * 120.96 | MIPI | OTM1283A | 25 PIN | IPS 1080P | |
RXL055082-A | 720*1280 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04 * 120.96 | 4 Ụzọ MIPI | ILI9881C | 30PIN | RTP/CTP | Kpọtụrụ US | |
RXL055097-A | 1080*1920 | 74.28*133.21*2.6 | 68.04 * 120.96 | 4 Ụzọ MIPI | NT35532 | 25 PIN | IPS 1080P | ||
5.6 | RXL056061-A | 640*480 | 126.5*100*4.5 | 112.9*84.67 | 16/18RGB | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |
7 | RXL070018-A | 800*480 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.08*85.92 | RGB | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL070083-A | 800*480 | 165*100*5.7 | 154.08*85.92 | MIPI | ILI6122+ILI5960 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070098-A | 800*480 | 165.4*104.59*5.8 | 152.4*91.44 | 16/18/24RGB | / | 40PIN | Ogologo oge / IPS | ||
RXL070107-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*6 | 154.21*85.92 | RGB | NT52003+NT51008 | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070111-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | MIPI | EK79007AD+ EK73215BCGA | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL070114-A | 1024*600 | 164.9*100*3.5 | 154.21*85.92 | LVDS | 79001/EK73215BC | 30PIN | MVA | ||
RXL070116-A | 1024*600 | 165*100*5.8 | 154.21*85.92 | 4 Ụzọ MIPI | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070117-A | 800*1280 | 103.46*160.78*2.17 | 94.2*150.72 | MIPI | NT35521 | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL070084-A | 800*1280 | 97.35*162.03*2.3 | 94.2 * 150.7 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | Kpọtụrụ US | |
RXL070029-A | 1200*1920 | 98.75*160.85 | 94.5*151.2 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
8 | RXL080064-A | 800*600 | 183*141*5.6 | 162*121.5 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL080050-A | 800*1280 | 114.6*184.1*2.5 | 107.64*172.22 | MIPI | / | 31 PIN | IPS | ||
RXL080120-A | 1024*768 | 136*174*2.5 | 162*121.5 | MIPI | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
RXL080049-A | 1024*768 | 183*141*6.3 | 162*121.54 | LVDS | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
9 | RXL090065-A | 800*480 | 211.1*126.5*3.5 | 198*111.7 | 24RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL090085-A | 1024*600 | 210.7*126.5*5 | 196.61*114.15 | RGB | / | 50PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
10.1 | RXL101086-A | 800*1280 | 143*228.6*2.8 | 135.36*216.57 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | |
RXL101100-A | 1200*1920 | 143*228.7*2.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101073-A | 1080*1920 | 142.8 * 228.2 | 135.36*216.58 | MIPI | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101108-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5.2 | 222.72*125.28 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | Kpọtụrụ US | |
RXL101112-A | 1024*600 | 235*143*5 | 222.72*125.28 | RGB | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101066-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*149.1*2.5 | 216.96*135.6 | LVDS | / | 40PIN | IPS | ||
RXL101121-A | 1280*800 | 229.46*150.2*4.5 | 216.96*135.6 | LVDS | 40PIN | RTP/CTP | |||
10.4 | RXL104067-A | 800*600 | 228.4*175.4*5.9 | 211.2*158.4 | 24RGB | / | 60PIN | RTP/CTP | |
12.1 | RXL121068-A | 1024*768 | 279*209*9 | 245.76*184.32 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | |
RXL121122-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*203.5*10 | 248*187 | LVDS | / | 20PIN | RTP/CTP | ||
RXL121087-A | 1024*768 | 260.5*204*8.4 | 245.76*184.3 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
13.3 | RXL133069-A | 1920*1080 | 306.3 * 177.7 * 5.4 | 293.47*165.07 | EDP | / | 30PIN | IPS | |
RXL133088-A | 1920*1080 | 305.35*187.82*2.7 | 293.76*165.24 | EDP | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
RXL133101-A | 1920*1080 | 305.2*178.1*2.6 | 293.76*165.24 | EDP | / | 30PIN | IPS | ||
15.6 | RXL156070-A | 1920*1080 | 363.8*215.9*8.8 | 344.16*193.59 | EDP | / | 30PIN | 1000 NITS | Kpọtụrụ US |
RXL156089-A | 1920*1080 | 359.5*223.8*3.2 | 344.16*193.59 | EDP | / | 30PIN | 220nits IPS | ||
19 | RXL190071-A | 1280*1024 | 396*324*11.2 | 376.32*301.06 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
21.5 | RXL215072-A | 1920*1080 | 495.6*292.2*10.6 | 476.64*268.11 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | CTP | |
RXL215090-A | 1920*1080 | 489.3*287*12.8 | 476.06*267.8 | LVDS | / | 30PIN | IPS |